San Francisco Film Noir Festival
The typeface used for the title “Film Noir Festival” is the sans serif typeface Europa Grotesk SH Bold Cond. The sub title such as the film titles is District Pro bold which is another sans serif typeface. The subtext appears to be Arial.
This is a poster to advertise the films that would be viewed at the 2012 San Francisco Film Noir Festival. The targeted audience is directed to chose who enjoy attending film festivals as well as people who are interested in discovering new film noir movies.
The typography enhances the communicated message in a very bold and striking way through its use of typographic hierarchy. The larger type size for “Film Noir Festival” allows the viewer to understand the main idea being addressed hence the film festival itself. The smaller type size for the film list and film descriptions is flawlessly contrasted and allows the reader to seamlessly read through the information. The diagonal placement of the type text is an interesting and distinct layout choice since I believe compliments the whole typographic hierarchy idea.
This example of typographic hierarchy will help influence my work by understanding how to place and display information by level of importance and relevance. It helped me understand how bold titles are important and cannot be overdone.