Festival Metro Metro Poster


Fonts : Helvetica Neue Heavy , Buchfraktur Fett, Directors Gothic

A classic representation of type hierarchy is a music festival poster. Often using different weight and sizes to classify artists from Headliners to possibly smaller local acts.. This 2019 poster for the Metro Metro music festival in Montreal attempts to combine vaporwave/street style aesthetics-- unsuccessfully in my opinion-- yet does adhere to the rules of hierarchy. The poster uses both Helvetica and Buchfraktur for the festival title and seemingly continues to use Helvetica for date and location info and the lineup. The way in which Helvetica is manipulated in size, weight, and condensing is how the hierarchy is formed. The size of the title and the headliners is the same but because the title is in colour there is no confusion. The artist's names then start to decrease in size row by row until about 16pt . 
The information such as the date and location do not follow the hierarchal standard, however the lineup is clear and eye-catching. Making the headliners' font size as big as the title of the event is good because this information is important, if not more important than the title of the event. The adjustment of size and condensing, while keeping equal spacing between the names allows for the eyes for flow easily through the lineup. 
I think this kind of hierarchal layout, while commonly used for festival lineups, can be used for many other platforms in which the audience should be pulled in and want to follow to the bottom of the page to absorb all the information in a linear fashion .