The Book of Laughter and Forgetting - Milan Kundera. Perennial Classics edition

This book cover, designed in 1999 by Caitlin Daniels for Perennial Classics, features interesting design choices concerning what I think was a trend from a somewhat newer freedom in design capabilities of the time due to evolving computer technology.

The cover's two images are digitally manipulated files, as they feature artifacts and blurriness achieved through interpolation of pixels from resizing, as well as a reduction in file size due to limitations in file compression.

Four typefaces are used on the cover alone. The Author's name is all in lowercase, in a delicate serif typeface with added kerning, black against a white background.

The subheaders are done in a swashy italicized typeface, in 3 different type sizes, also with added kerning, in an olive colour.

The book's title is set bold, uppercase, with added kerning and large leading.

Perennial Classics is set "restaurant" style, or standing, in uppercase. The font appears to be a sans serif, but when looked at closely, feature sharp, short serifs.

The cover overall is very busy. The hectic placement of type and type styles over the whole cover plays with the image of the dancing people. Overall I find the look evocative of a time period related to the 90s and early 2000s.