Our Lady Of Perpetual Realness & Other Stories by Cason Sharpe

Our Lady of Perpetual Realness & Other Stories written by Cason Sharpe is a small book of short stories which are autobiographical, very relatable, and meant for the fiction reader. The back reads; "Two teenagers shoot amateur porn. Coworkers pool hop after dark. A call centre employee scrambles to keep their shitty job. Sweetheart tries something new in order to pay rent."  This book describes a spirit of now and perhaps a generational feeling. The book was released through Metatron press- an independent publisher in Montreal.

The book cover has two typefaces with an border that frames both fonts. The title typeface is a humanist font with bracketed serifs and a stress on the obliques. Where as the author name typeface is a transitional humanist typeface with less bracketed serifs, is higher contrast, and has no stressed obliques. The title font is Poetsen one.

The title typeface is a perfect indicator of what the novel entails as it is soft and feminine and is heavy with nostalgia. The title is slightly slanted and the border follows this slant with the word realness being emphasized. The slant and emphasis of "realness" seems intuitive and intentional.

I love the frame that surrounds both of the typefaces and creates a unity around the illustration and I am inspired to combine both illustration and simple drawings with a nice typeface that is indicative of the story within.