Brave New World

                                Brave New World is a fiction book written by Aldous Huxley and published in 1932. It is a novel about technology, sleep-learning, psychological manipulation, and classical conditioning that are combined to make a utopian society. The author wrote this book almost 80 years ago and it seems like this book has been written yesterday. 
I strongly believe that the cover design and the font are telling us what the subject is and what we will be reading... And this is exactly the goal! The typography is serious (!), cold and sharp! This book can be a nice inspiration for me to learn how to choose wisely and pay more attention to the subject of the book that I am going to design. The cover is the first thing that everyone will see and they decide whether to read the book or not! So, this is maybe the most important thing to think about. It has to help the reader understand the feeling of the book! it should talk to the reader before they open it just like this cover does.

The typeface: City
designed by Georg Trump in 1930